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Nadine. Studying Anthropology & Human Rights. Reflections about Life, Faith, Love, Style. Not very eloquent, this is my stream of consciousness. Oh yeah, I want to travel the world.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Once Again

It's been a while.

I don't know if anyone actually reads my blog, but if you do.. hello again! To myself looking into the past, I hope you're doing well.  To the one person who stumbles across, welcome.

So it has indeed been a few months since I've blogged, but that is due to the technical difficulty of having a entirely cracked monitor on my MacBook Air ( 1st Gen ).  There was a series of unfortunate events, that make me seem like a whiney 1st world citizen.. but nonetheless unfortunate.  The "trilogy" ( My iPhone, iPad, and Macbook) were severely damaged.  Luckily my phone and pad were easily salvaged for it was more cosmetic (cracked screen) damage, but losing my computer caused me to completely neglect my blog.

Now! Thanks to my very generous dad, I am broadcasting from an updated system, and ready to embark on to the next thing that life has to face.

In a few weeks I will be headed off the U.K. with my former choir Starfire as a chaperone.  I am so excited, for this is my first year of many to be re-living the experiences in another way.  I will be updating their website, and utilizing many social media outlets to document the experience for everyone who wants to come along.  (I will definitely be elaborating on this more in the next post)

I am settled in to my new apartment, which has been quite the experience, for I am learning a lot of new things.  The summer has just offered me a lot of opportunities to be busy, and maximize my time with the kids I take care of.  As my last year of college approaches, I am thinking of options of what I am going to do after I receive that diploma, since they are endless.

I need to get to bed now.. I am glad I am back on this.

Bye for now,

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